Tuesday: After arriving home from California at 7 a.m I was lucky enough to be able to take a nap while my boys were at school. I had a 7 mile tempo run on the plan so I set out and felt great! I was able to do 7.5 miles in 50 minutes! I was very pleased with this run and this got me excited for my 26.2 in November.
Wednesday: Speedwork......Well, I think my legs needed a day in between that tempo and this speed work but I have Jury Duty tomorrow and work at night so I had to squeeze it in. It was not as "pretty" as I had hoped! I did 2 mile warm up in 15 mins then 2 x 1200 meter repeats with 400 meter RI in between...then it called for 4 x 800 meter but I felt my form starting to suck so I modified and did 2 x 800's then finished with 2 miles @ 7:24 pace. Angel was swimming in the pool so I decided to go join her for a quick cool down and swam for 25 minutes.
Friday: 6.5 miles/46 mins...I felt heavy on this run and because of the humidity and my chest cold I did this on the treadmill. I got the miles in but this was not anything special. I followed up the run with my kettle bell PT exercises.
Sunday: Thank You God for the AMAZING weather!!! 72* and no humidity!!! LSD run today...I ran all through and around Middletown and ended up with 21 miles in 2:50. Angel and Vicki were out at the park with their little people so they kept tabs on me and made sure I was hydrated! I did the first 16 miles in 1:58 minutes then my legs started to rebel and get tired so I ran/walked the last 5 miles.....Angel brought me out another bottle of cold water and reassured me I had it in me to knock out the last 2.5 miles! I learned when I run by myself I stink at pacing! This is definitely something I need to work on. While I was out running Angel's hubby baked a fresh made from scratch apple pie:
Best post run treat! |
After my run I made sure to foam roll and put on my PRO Compression to make sure my legs felt the love and recover quickly!!! If you are shopping for compression socks I highly recommend the PRO compression brand! I love them and they have some pretty fun colors too! They also do a "Sock of the Month" sale and you can get a really great price. If you got to their website www.procompression.com and enter the code SOM912 you can save 40% off all Marathon Compression socks! So go check it out!
What is your favorite Fall treat?
Do you were compression? If yes, what brand do you like best?
Happy Running!
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