Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Cutback Week...

Since last week was my first 60+ mile week in a while this week is a cutback week!  I focused on speed and form verses mileage. 

Wednesday:  Speed work... 3 mile w/u in 23:02 then 6 x 800 meter repeats
                                             3:02, 3:03, 3:05, 3:08, 3:06, 3:09
                                             400 meter recovery jog/walk in between each one
                                             2.75 mile cool down in 20:05
Total of 10 miles in 73 minutes

This one worked me!!  I was very tired and sweaty after this run and surprised how much I felt like I wanted to barf!!

Thursday:  Weight Training day......Legs still felt heavy but I know lifting will make me stronger.  Squats, lunges, deadlifts, Sumo squats, hamstring curls and hip raises...each exercise x 4 with 12 reps.  I also worked out my back and abs!  Lifting really makes me feel much better when I am finished! 

Followed this lifting session with some Costco cross training and school shoe shopping at the mall!

Friday:  Tempo/Progression Run... I woke up feeling like this run wasn't going to be so great but I laced up anyway and let my Mizuno Wave Sayanora's carry me!  Started off slow then increased my pace every mile until the end... 8:19 to start and finished with a 7:03!  10.2 miles in 76:48 minutes!

Last day of summer vacation so we spent it hanging out...Plus I had to work 2 - 12hour midnight shifts this past weekend.

Happy Running!

Don't forget to enter my Designer Whey Sustained Energy Giveaway!!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Designer Whey and GIVEAWAY!!!!!!

I have been looking for quick and easy ways to increase my protein especially since a lot of my time is spent on the go!  I was beyond excited when this arrived at my doorstep:
Blood Orange Pomegranate Shake!
Sustained Energy!
Featured in SHAPE magazine

LOVE the color!

Designer Whey was started in 1993 and strives to create products that meet your needs while being balanced, delicious, and convenient!  Designer Whey Sustained Energy is the perfect combination especially for that post workout fuel and nutrients that our body needs...The whey powder digests quickly to fill you up fast while the soy and casein proteins absorb slowly helping you stay energized for hours after your workout!  PERFECT!!! I love that you can be very creative with Designer Whey and not only make smoothies or shakes but also add the powder to pancakes, waffles, muffins and many more treats! 

I have both the Chocolate Velvet and the Vanilla Bean...I cannot decide which I like best because both are so tasty!  I made the above smoothie with blackberries, spinach, strawberries, raspberries, a banana and a little bit of ice and cold water, plus a scoop of Vanilla Bean.  It was amazing!  Today after my crappy 9.5 mile run ( I just wasn't feeling it after working 2  12hr shifts ) I had this:

 Chocolate Velvet, a banana, organic milk, a scoop of PB, and blend!!!!!!   Oh my it was a treat! 

I also love their website and if you click the link you can find a TON of delicious and nutritious recipes as well as exercise tips!  I am totally looking forward to testing out some recipes and increasing my protein intake!


100 calories per scoop
5 grams of fiber per serving ( helps control hunger )
19 vitamins and minerals ( B-vitamins to spark metabolism!, vitamins A, C and E for fast workout recovery, high in antioxidants, calcium, and vitamin D )
16 grams of protein ( whey, soy and casein blend )
All natural flavors and sweeteners and REAL cocoa and vanilla beans!!!

With this there is truly no excuse to skip a meal!!

I am so excited and want to share my love of this product with my readers!!  Designer Whey would like to GIVEAWAY and extend to 6 of my readers their Sustained Energy products!

All you have to do is comment below and tell me what your current favorite source of protein is!

For a bonus entry:  Tweet about my giveaway and attach link here   https://twitter.com/derunningmom and comment letting me know you tweeted

Good Luck and Happy Running!

*Thank you  FitFluential and Designer Whey...this post is solely based on my opinion of this product and I am in no way receiving any financial compensation from neither FitFluential nor Designer Whey.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Double 5k, a Long Run, and Costco

This weekend after hanging out and staying up way to late on Friday night I was not about to get up to run a local 5k on Saturday morning....I really should have went since my running club was hosting the event but we were kid-free and sleep was way more important!  So when I finally did get up and drank my coffee I decided to go out for a "run for one" 5k.   I started with a warm up 3.1 miles in 22:34 then I stretched, got a drink and then pushed myself for another 3.1 in 19:57!!!!  I apologize if I scared anyone at Glasgow Park zipping around the track! 

We had another awesome get together with my hubby's softball team and enjoyed a crab feast!  I forgot to take pics since my hands were covered in old bay!!

Sunday I had my first 20+ mile run of my MCM training cycle...I have to be honest I was very nervous about this run!  My friend/coach had told me to keep this on the slower end and to not worry about my time but focus on getting the miles on my legs ( this is a hard thing for me to do )!   I met up with Dawn and Angel and we trotted through Middletown...I ran 2 miles before we started and then ran 13ish miles with the girls.   Then they headed back home and I logged the rest of my miles...Thank God Angel hopped on her bike and rode out to keep me in check for the last 5 miles.   She also brought me some Nuun hydration to drink and made sure I didn't dip down too low!  I ended with 21 miles in 2:54 and am very happy with this!  It also helped that Greg ( Angel's hubby ) made us fresh omelets when we finished!!  I made sure to stretch, foam roll and ice when I got home. 

The rest of the day was spend shopping at Costco... I am in love with this new shirt:

  I love the cut of this shirt/jacket and the fact that it has thumb holes is amazing!!  Plus it was only $16.99!  Can't beat that deal.  My mom also bought me the pink and blue one...YAY!

Then it was back to the grind at work and minimal sleep... at least Monday was a rest day!

Tuesday I had planned to head out for 8 miles but cut it short at 6.5 miles in just under 49 minutes.   My legs were heavy and I do not think I was fully recovered from my long run... So I took my little men to the pool and we enjoy one of our last pool days of the summer!   The pool water was nice and refreshing on my tired legs. 

The "old runner me" would have forced myself to push through and finish the 8 miles but I am very happy with my decision to recover and regroup...Maturing I tell ya!

Anyone else sad their little ones are going back to school?

Happy Running!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Where did the week go...NYC, Beach, and More!

We had such a blast last weekend in New York and the wedding was AMAZING!!!  My hubby and I explored the city,  ate delicious food, enjoyed the sights and beautiful weather before getting ready for the wedding:
 Yup this was a pretty impressive ( or not so impressive ) sight

Followed by this one!
 This sandwich was fabulous and totally hit the spot!  YUMMMMM!

 See I do own "real people" clothes and not just tech gear and compression!

Dancing in these babies = cross training at it's finest!

And my HOT date... We had the best night and are so happy we were able to share in Michael and Lindsay's big day!

Our super awesome friends and by far the best dancers in the place!!

 Being in NY made me really want to do the NYC marathon....so I will be adding that to my list of future races for sure.

Monday I had a 16 mile run planned but had to break it up into 2 separate runs since my little guys were with me.  My first 10 miles I kept the pace on the slower end and had to do it on the Y treadmill ( 10 miles in 1 hour 20 mins with and average pace of 8 min/mile ).  Since my oldest son has started football practice I was able to run my last part of the run outside.... I planned on 6 miles but that turned into 8 miles in just under 56 minutes ( average pace 6:59 min/mile )!  I was very happy with how this turned out and how I felt but I prefer to do all my miles at one time.  This is how you know you had a good FAST run...Bugs plastered to you chest/neck and face like a windshield!!

Tuesday:  Recovery run of  3.2 miles in 23 minutes average pace 7:14 ... plus core and back work. 
 My little guy wanted to go to the track while my oldest son and hubby had football practice so I agreed to do a little speedwork.   Well... my little man pushed me a lot harder then I would have pushed myself!!  He rode his scooter and heckled me the whole time so I had to show him how awesome his mommy is....2.75 miles in 18:58 average pace 6:47...Thank God he had to take a potty break on the final lap because I wanted to puke!

 After football practice we drove down to the beach for a few days of fun in the sun! 
Angel and her crew came down and we had so much fun...the kids all had the best time playing on the beach, at the bay and at North Side Park!  I was able to squeeze in a nice cool,  crisp 10 mile progression run before the kids even woke up....I did 9 miles in 68:41 then a mile cool down at the end.  The weather was perfect for running but a little cool for a bikini on the beach.
I am really going to miss all of our summer fun when these little ones go back to school. 

Friday was a rest day but I crossed trained again in these bad boys:
We had a benefit dinner for the Papiro Family Night For Sight with a bunch of our friends at the Chesapeake Inn.  This is such a great event and supports an amazing cause!  Our friends have two adorable little boys who were born with Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis (LCA)....this event supports the Foundation for Retinal Research and will help children to be able to see!!!   If you are interested in learning more or donating please click the link!

Hope everyone is having an amazing weekend and last few weeks of summer!

Happy Running!


Friday, August 9, 2013

Weekly Round-Up and Photo Dump

Ok so there are 2 weeks left until my little men go back to school and I gain some routine and normalcy back!  But this first week of official MCM marathon training has gone pretty well so far! 

I took my first TRX class in over a year and was shocked how strong I felt throughout the whole class!  My buddy Josh is the instructor and he is amazing...He works with a lot of collegiate athletes and I feel he really focuses his class towards that!  I think I need to add this back into my cross training program.

I had a long sloooooow distance run that I really forced myself to keep the first 10 miles at a slower pace...then really push hard the last 4.25 miles!  So I ended that run with 14.25 miles in 1:48 and so change with an average pace of 7:34.  I felt great and really could have kept going but I am really trying to train smart and with a purpose this time around!

I worked a bunch of midnight shifts and had a rest day in there too...

I don't know about you but the weather has been GORGEOUS here in Delaware...So I took full advantage of it on Sunday and went out to the park and ran 5.25 miles in just under 37 minutes...My plan was to go slow and then do some hill repeats but once I started it felt so good I just zoomed around the park twice!  There was a youth football team running hill repeats also so this old lady joined in beside them and did 8 hills repeats with .30 mile recovery run between repeat!  It felt amazing and reaffirmed my love for hills!
One side
 Why do hills not look as big in pictures?

This was definitely a Mezamashii run for sure and I loved every second of it!

I also had a speed work session this week that felt pretty good... I am still learning to love the speed!
So this is how it went.... started with a nice slow warm up for 10 minutes then I did 5 x 400 meter repeats with 60-90 seconds of recovery between each one and repeated this series 3 times!  At first it felt great and I wanted to push the speed but knowing how many I had to do I decided to wait until the last set to really kick it up...my overall mileage for this run was 10 miles in 71:03. 
A new thing I have added to my training is form drills!!!  I had never done any of these drills before and figure they cannot hurt my training.  I met up with a track coach at the Y and he walked me through a series of drills...My goodness I felt uncoordinated!!  Once I got comfortable it was smooth sailing!  I really have to be good and keep up with these for sure.
Blah that was a lot to recap...We are heading up to NYC for an amazing wedding this weekend and I am beyond excited for it! Since I have runners toes I had to make an emergency nail salon stop tonight:

The people at the nail salon are true miracle workers!!
Hope everyone has an amazing weekend... is anyone racing this weekend?? 
Happy Running!