So last Friday night MAC ( Middletown Athletic Club ) had our annual banquet and a fun night to catch up and chat with other runners and athletes! I went with Dawn and had a blast! We got to catch up on some stuff, talk about training, eat some delicious food and desserts, and listen to the amazing guest speaker: Coach Jim Fischer! I am very passionate about running and everything surrounding the sport so to be in a room filled with like minded people was awesome! Coach Fischer had so many fantastic key notes and points that it sparked my love of running even more! This was my first time meeting him and I could just tell what a huge impact he has on the running community and how he is willing to help any level runner improve! He is currently coaching at Sanford but prior to that was the University of Delaware's track and cross country coach for I believe 30 years! So this man knows his stuff and is willing to share his knowledge and work with all levels of runners...He also host a Tuesday night running clinic as well as starting a spring running clinic that will meet once a week...there are two different locations and options being offered ( Glasgow Park or Delcastle Rec. ). You can find out more info at Running Camp at Glasgow Park is held Thursday nights from 6-7:30 pm from 3/14 - 5/02 and the Delcastle Rec is held Monday nights 6-7:30 pm from 3/11 - 4/29. This Camp is for ALL runners!!
Coach Jim Fischer |
I am definitely going to start attending his running clinics and camps to help me improve and get my goal marathon time that I have saved in my head!!!
There was also a silent auction and among some of the items this on sure did catch my eye!!! LOVE my FEETURES!
Also if you are looking to join and amazing group of runners of all levels please come join
MAC ... Andy's emails alone are worth joining!
On Sunday Angel FINALLY gave into my begging and we ventured out to Fair Hill, MD for some killer hills, hills and more hills...Oh yea what is the saying what goes up must come down??? Yup and some killer declines!!! I will have to go back and take some pictures of the monster hills we ran but I just couldn't maneuver my camera and try to run the hills at the same time! We parked at a fantastic little gas station with a potty and started from there... The first 7 miles flew by but then we turned around to head back and the our long lost friend "HEADWIND" decided to join us...This run was extremely challenging but it extremely boosted my confidence! I finished with 13.25 miles in 1:50 plus a 1 mile warm up at home before heading out. I cannot wait to tackle these hills again and go for even more distance. This route is a beast and gives you no time to are either climbing a hill or going down a steep decline...hardly any flat road out there! Runs like this will help make Boston feel flat.
Monday: I just did a super light workout with some weight lifting and the stairmonster for 25 minutes. I have been focusing on my hamstring and glutes more plus some pull ups and core.
Tuesday: Rest day - 2 midnight shifts at work and lacrosse practice!
Wednesday: Well this was a crazy day for me! My kids had off school for the SNOW we did not get...Not even on flake or flurry on the ground and school was cancelled! I was less than thrilled especially since I had just got off of work at 6 am and had to be super mommy for the day! I finally caved and made them go to the gym with me before I lost my sanity...So I did my fabulous Hill Pyramid run and my goodness it kicked my rear! Max incline of 6% and max decline of -1% ... I ended with 8.5 miles in 65 minutes and called it a day. It is amazing how much lack of sleep can affect your performance!
Thursday: Easy 4.5 miles with my lacrosse girls...They have truly impressed me this season with their conditioning! I love seeing them improve and develop their skills in such a short period of time. Proud Coach over here....
had to share my goalie's new stick! |
And the best thing about coaching is... there is a Trader Joe's right next to the school!!! Bonus!
Just a few things today! |
I am very excited to try that Ezekiel bread!
Do you belong to a running club or prefer to run solo??
Happy Running!