My silly self forgot to bring goggles and had to swim blind in the over chlorinated pool. After we swam I ran a quick 6 miles and it felt great.
Thursday Workout: I ran 2 miles as a warm up then did a rowing complex. Row 500M then bench press 75 lbs x 30 reps, row 1000M then bench press 75 lbs x 20 reps, row 2000M then bench press 75 lbs x 10 reps. I also had PT this morning and he made my left hip and glute work!! Oh my I think my glute has been slacking off for almost a year and now it has joined in the party!!
Friday: 5 miles of hills with max incline of 4% in 40 mins. Bicep and triceps work.
Saturday: Since I work midnight on Friday and Saturday nights I used today as my rest and recovery day. Our local running store here was having a massive sale! All shoes were between $20 - $40 and all clothing was between $5 - $20 and jackets $40. I was like Black Friday shopping but for all my favorite things! I grabbed a pair of Saucony Kinvaras for myself plus a pair of Patagonia loafer for my hubby..both pairs were $30. I also grabbed 2 long sleeve prana shirts and a brown and white tunic all for $10, a pair of Nike shorts for $10 and my hubby a pair of North Face running shorts for $10, and a North Face running jacket for $40!!! I had to stalk some lady for that jacket .... as soon as she put it down I snatched it right up! Goodness I love a great sale! After shopping and working all night I was starving so Angel and I went to Cosi.....I am now addicted to this place!!!!!!!

Sunday: I ran 7.5 miles in 54 minutes and followed it up with 20 laps in the outdoor pool. Once again I forgot my goggles and looked like Cheech and Chong when I got done! Everything looked very foggy and the lights all had halos around them. I am definitely going to buy a few pair of goggles so I always have a pair on hand!

Extreme close up!!!!!!!!!
Today I did 20 minutes of intense intervals on the stairmonster followed by a WOD ( 15 burpees, 15 push ups, 25 sit ups, 25 plank/glute raises, 25 squats x 3 ) followed by 2 miles in 15 minutes on the TM. We were meeting friends at the pool so I had to squeeze this workout in. Angel and I swam a few laps at the pool while the kids cheered us on! Thank God for goggles today!
Any suggestions on goggle brands?
Any suggestions on good pool workouts?
Happy Running!
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