Thursday: Meet Dawn to run..I started with a 800M warm up then we ran from Fenwick to Bethany and back for a total of 7 miles. Dawn cycled down to meet me so she hopped on her bike and headed back home while I added 2.25 more miles in 15:06. I rounded up the boys and we walked down to the beach for some fun int the sun and sand!

Friday: I ended up watching all the kids while the other adults were out and about crabbing and shopping so it became a strength/WOD day. I made the kids join in on the workout and we did 180* squats, push-ups with a T, reverse lunges with a kick, planks with glute raise, cross-over lunges with knee tuck, walking planks, and squat jumps x 4 sets! Wow talk about a sweatfest! The kids loved it and made it look so dang cousin said "oh we do this in gym class"!! We had a low-key night and just hung out with the family, ate yummy pizza and crabs that the guys caught! Along with some adult beverages.

Saturday: high of 105* yikes!! I was able to get up early and log 10 miles before the heat got too bad. The first 7 miles were pretty awesome but the last 3 the heat was rising and I could feel it! I finished 10 miles in 1:21 and had to walk a total of 6 minutes during run so I was pretty happy with my overall time. After my run my mom and I went shopping and I got some cute new summery clothes. I love all the little surf shops down the beach. We then spent a few hours on the beach with my hubby, dad and boys but I was just so hot! My parents little community had a party on the bay so we hung out and the boys had the greatest time. They had all kinds of fun for the kids including bobbing for donuts, tug of war, balloon toss, and this cute game that involved a shower cap, shaving cream and cheese balls!

I love summertime!
Sunday: We all slept in today and needed the lazy morning! Since I have to work tonight we packed up and headed back home. Boo to adult responsibilities!! I was able to get in 9.75 miles of hills in 1:20 minutes and then swam 800 meters in the pool before work.
Monday: Rest day and keeping the kids occupied with little sleep! These days are always interesting when I have had little to no sleep. My kids could ask me for anything and I would probably given in because I am so tired!
Tuesday: I ran 7.6 miles in 56 minutes and felt ok except for my right foot. It was sore but not painful. Since working in PT my body is starting to get back into proper alignment and now muscles that have been lacking for months are starting to work again causing me to be extra cautious of any ache or pain!
Wednesday: Swimming for 45 minutes. Lots of mixed strokes and focus on form and efficiency. Had a blast with Dawn and Angel! I totally forgot to grab a picture of us with our swim caps and goggles! One of the lifeguards asked me if i was on a swim team! Ha!
Hope everyone is having an amazing summer!
Happy Running!
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