Thanks to my new friend April for writing my name for me! The first 4 miles were ok I felt pretty good but it was hot! I made sure to stop and grab water at every water stop along the way. I have to be honest I usually don't take water in races until after 5-6 miles but today I was afraid of the heat. Mile 8 my legs started to feel heavy and my feet felt like cinder blocks. At this point I just decided to take in the crowd and enjoy the race regardless of my time. I told myself just get to the half and I could reassess. I passed through Wellesley and all the screaming girls!! I did not stop for a kiss but laughed at their signs. I started chatted with other runners and gave out many high fives. People were giving out bagging with ice and I put some down my sports bar and on my neck to stay cool. I got to mile 19 and my right leg felt like jello!! I have never had this happen before and it made me very nervous. I also stopped sweating and started to get the chills. I grabbed some Gatorade and had a honeystinger gel. I was reaching Heartbreak Hill at this point and decided to walk a bit due to my symptoms. I was not alone in the walking and was talking to a very fit gentleman who was from Texas. We reached the top of Heartbreak and took off running again. Mile 22 I saw my son's little classmate and her entire family!

Me at 22! Don't let the smile fool you!
The last 4 miles were a struggle because my legs were rebelling. I had my phone on me and I text my hubby "I am sorry"...I had a moment where I felt like I was letting people down and not my normal PR self. I approached Boylston and pushed to the finish. I saw my hubby, Lauren, Scott, Mom and Dad!! They had awesome signs and were ringing cowbells like no other!!! At this moment I realized how truly blessed I am to have such and AMAZING support system and crew!!!! I crossed the finish line proud and grabbed my good bag, Gatorade recovery, and my coveted medal.

The finish line area is pretty hard to get out of! After meeting up with my cheer crew I went and got my massage and chiropractic adjustment. I felt a lot better and was ready to go ice and get showered. My family had made their way back to the Lenox so I just walked a short distance back to the hotel. I entered the hotel and the entire staff and people in the lobby all started clapping and cheering for me when I entered and the concierge handed me an ICE COLD BEER!! I was in heaven at this point!
I absolutely LOVE Boston and everything it has to offer. I cannot wait to tackle this course again but not in 90* weather!! See ya next year Heartbreak only that time I will not be walking!!
Happy Running!
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