I have had a very hard time keeping up with everything this past week! Lots of working, coaching, running, oh yea and most importantly MOMMY-ING! I have had my limits tested this week and almost broke down...my body finally told me to slow down on Tuesday and I ended up in
bed or the bathroom! So here is what has been going on! I have had 2 great speework sessions since last Wednesday and actually look forward to doing the speed! Last weeks speed looked like this:
3 mile warm up then 10 x 400 meter repeats @ 1:30 - 1:26 with a 60-90 second RI..I ended with 9.25 miles in 67 minutes.
Yesterday's speedwork was done after my teams lacrosse game and being frozen AGAIN! I did a 2 mile warm up at 7:30 pace then 8 x 800 meter repeats with a .20 - .25 RI in between ... I was feeling great so I really wanted to end with 9 miles under 64 minutes so I pushed the cooldown pace and finished with 9.2 in 66:10.
Best combo for speed...Oiselle, Mizuno and Feetures! |
Cross training this past week consisted of 2 days of lifting, rowing, and stairmonster! I forgot how much of a workout rowing is....I have a nice blister on my hand to prove it!
#BrilliantROW |
So I crammed a ton in to the past week especially Thursday - Sunday and barely any sleep! I worked Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights... We had our first lacrosse game on Friday and we totally rocked the field! 17-7 victory and my team finally clicked together which is a beautiful thing to see! So proud of these girls...Then straight from the game I went right into work for 12 hours...then on Saturday I had to go see my all time favorite college lacrosse goalie play against Wilmington University...Her team also won and she added some spice to the game! LOVE her...I feel like a proud mom watching her play and just excel in her sport as well as her AMAZINGLY positive attitude!
After the game my hubby's softball team had their beef and beer ... I am not going to lie I was so beyond tired and dreading having to go to work at 3 am ... I debated not going to the beef and beer. I also figured they were like any other typical men's softball team. Well, I was completely wrong....This team seems like an amazing group of men and I actually am looking forward to seeing them play. I ended up having a great time and got to spend my BFF's birthday eve with her too! Plus they also had delicious cupcakes:
Sunday - Long run of 15.15 miles in 1:55 minutes and felt pretty darn good considering all the craziness of the weekend. My back was very stiff on the right side so I need to go see my PT asap!
It is so amazing how just a little tweaking and adjustment can change things majorly! I was able to go see my PT friend and get straightened out..plus a little Rock Tape! It is almost instant relief and I could tell such a difference on my speedwork last night!!! Thank God!
Some other exciting news this week is we finally have a girl in the group!!!
Meet Avery... She was born on Tuesday..I made sure to settle my friend in and hooked her up with an amazing nurse ( since I was just getting off of work and had to go back in that night ). Congrats Kim and Corey and Big Brother Jordan!
Happy Running!
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