We found out in February that we were going to have another baby!! Of course I went through all kinds of emotions ... Excitement, joy, happiness, anxiety, fear, nervousness ... I was currently training for the Boston Marathon and almost to the peak of my training. I had ran 24 miles the day we found out!! I knew something was "off " ... We had the GI bug go through our house 2 separate occasions and I had assume I was hit by the bug .... NOT the case!
The 2015 Boston Marathon will always be my favorite year!! For starters my AMAZING friends completely surprised me and showed up in Boston the day we arrived!! I literally opened the door to our room, they jumped out and the tears of joy started!! We had so much fun and they completely eased my nerves and made me look at the bigger picture and not the time on the clock!
The 14 wk bump ......
On Mother's Day I ran a portion of the Delaware Marathon and loved every second of this race! I was about 17wks and finally not puking! The one good thing about training and running is that was the only time I wasn't nauseous or throwing up!
For all the pregnant moms out there ... Oiselle truly makes the BEST running clothes and they can grow with you!! 18wks and growing ...
Telling my Lacrosse girls I was pregnant was awesome!!! |
We had our 12 year wedding anniversary and 16 years together anniversary on Memorial Day weekend!
Plus, we celebrated 19 weeks and started off our summer season at the beach! I absolutely love beach running and was still logging 45-50 miles a week!
This baby bump has experienced a lot of fun stuff so far .... this was the bump's first country concert ... Jason Aldean!! 20 weeks and feeling great!
Look at those runner's toes already!! Perfect for a pair of mini Mizuno Wave Riders!
Still going strong with my training at 25 weeks and finally starting to bump out a little more! My older boys are beyond excited and love to feel the baby move and kick!! My mileage was still 45-50 miles per week along with weight training and core work.
My youngest made the all-star baseball team and they won the whole tournament!! I swear he is happy about it!
27 weeks and still going strong ...
28 weeks and feeling the heat of the summer!
29 weeks and post 15 mile run!
Since the summer heat and humidity are in full effect I did a lot of my running on the treadmill..
30 weeks ... Luckily I was still maintaining my mileage and my pace had not slowed down too much from my normal pace.
31 weeks and living the beach life ...running, boogie boarding, jumping waves and stand up paddle boarding!!
32 weeks and the boys got to come to our follow up ultrasound!! I was so excited for them to see the baby! They had so many questions and really tried to bribe the ultrasound tech to tell them if the baby was a he or a she!!
Baby Black is quite the active little baby and really loved the breech position!!
33 weeks and capping my long runs at 12 miles ... weekly mileage 40-45 a week and weight training.
34 weeks and no more hiding the bump!!!
Baby Black's 2nd country concert ... This was such an amazing show!!! Luke Bryan is the BEST!! Thank goodness for my date Kim!
They had a shower for Baby Black and me .... I cannot express how fantastic my family and friends really are!!!! I was very overwhelmed with gratitude and love!!!!!!
The BEST cake in the world!!!! Clare and Lauren make the most delicious treats!!!
Not only can Lauren and Clare bake they can surprise the heck out of me!!!! My amazing co-workers had a surprise dinner and shower for me! I feel so blessed and honored to have all these ladies in my life!! They are the best and I appreciate each and every single one of them!
36 weeks and getting nervous!
To celebrate 36 weeks we did a family 5K! I came in 2nd in my AG and I think 4 or 5 overall female! This was a cross country course and it felt amazing to get out and go ... I did a total of 8 miles for the day.
Holy BUMP!!!!!!!!
I absolutely love capturing big lifetime moments .... Krissy from Just Kaptured Photography took these gorgeous family pics! Pink or Blue we shall see ....
My boys celebrated their 8th and 11th birthdays on September 24 and 25th!! They even got to go to Disney World for a week with my amazing parents, aunt and uncle and my brother! can we say SPOILED!!!!!!!
So while the boys were away ... Mommy and Daddy enjoyed going to the beach and just relaxing before Baby Black joins the party! We did pick up this cute little pumpkin hat!
37 weeks and cross training like a champ this week .. Since the boys were away in Disney and my midwife Clare was away ... I was so nervous I would go into labor while they were gone .. I decided to cap my long runs at 6-8 miles and stuck to the stairmill a lot for the week!
We are also in the thick of football season and this makes my heart so happy!! If you know me you know I LOVE the fall and especially football season! I am so proud of my boys and seeing them excel out on the field!
This fall it feels strange to NOT be training for a marathon!!!
38.4 weeks and post 65 minutes of intervals on the stairmill ... My weekly mileage is currently around 30 miles and my pace ranges from 8:00 - 8:54 depending on the day! I definitely feel like I have been blessed to still keep my running up and look forward to ease back into training post delivery! This baby has been the best training partner so far ........
Thank you for catching up the past 38 weeks with me and I look forward to training post baby Black's delivery!!!
Happy Running!
Totally cool loved it, congrats on the baby cant wait to see some baby pictures. Freddie and shannon :-)