Friday, January 24, 2014

Is it summer yet??

We have had so many snow days and school delays the past few weeks that I feel like I cannot get into any kind of routine....and this momma LOVES a routine!  I also have been having major computer problems lately and need to bite the bullet and get a new laptop for myself .. oh and our power was out for hours the other night and we started yesterday with a small stove fire!!!!!  OK,  I feel much better now that I got that off my chest.

So needless to say my training has been a little mixed up the past few weeks.  I am now in full on Boston Marathon training and will be running the Myrtle Beach Marathon on February 15 for some fun!  My hubby has a softball tournament in  Myrtle Beach that same weekend and part of the marathon course runs right past the hotel ... so how in the world could I be there and not run the marathon?? !!  I love marathon training and running is completely my passion but it is a little tricky trying to fit it all in this time of year especially with the weather!

This week I managed to get in my miles so far and this is how the went:

Saturday:  8.2 miles in 61 minutes:  Miles for Meg ... this was such an emotional heavy hearted run for me.  I did not know Meg Menzies personally but our lives are very similar ( Mother, Wife, Runner, training for Boston, same age ).  I just cannot imagine what her family is going through and I am praying for them daily.  I dedicated my 8.2 miles to Meg.   After my run my hubby came and met me for some weight lifting fun!

Sunday:  Elkton to Fair Hill ... 12 miles in 1:28:33.  This was a nice hilly run combined with a headwind going out.  I love my MapMyRun+ app and used it for this run.  So my miles looked like this:
Miles 1-2:  7:47
Miles 3-4:  7:12
Miles 5-6:  8:08
Miles 7-8:  6:44
Miles 9-10:  6:34
Miles 11-12: 7:18
Plus,  I finished with 6 hill repeats to finish it off.  I really wanted to burn my legs and work the hills!

Monday:  BodyPump with Danielle.  I need to really commit more to getting to this class and being more consistent with it.  I knew this was going to be tough and could feel my muscles shaking half way through class!

Tuesday:  Amy's spin class ... another killer workout out with speed and hills.  22.5 miles in 60 minutes.
Since school was cancelled for an impending snow storm I had to run a quick 2 miles in 13:20 to get all my energy out!

Wednesday:  SNOW DAY!!! We did get about 10 inches of snow and the roads are pretty icy so the boys and I stayed home and played in the snow ... this was all fun and games until the power went out at 4 pm and we all needed to burn off some more energy.  So we bundled up and went over to the BIG sledding hill at Glasgow Park ..... this was the perfect combo, hill repeats for me and family fun time sledding!  I felt like a 5 year old again going down that hill!

Crazy Kids!

Thursday:  15 Treadmill miles in 1:59:48 ... Thank goodness for my friends coming to chat with me while running!  Marty got me to 4 miles, Bob got me to 8 miles and Nicole got me through the final 4 miles!   I cruised through the first 10 miles then had a short potty break and hydrated with my Cherry Limeade Nuun ... The last 5 miles were a mix of hills and steady speed since my back muscles started to get very tense.

Today:  I am on a 3 night midnight shift stretch and last night we had a major A$& kicking at work so today is a REST DAY!

Have you seen the NEW Mizuno Hitogami???  I am dying to get into a pair of these beauties!!  Besides looking super cool they are a light weight, low shoe that will make you want to run FAST!

LOVE the colors also!!!!!!!!!!  I have yet to not love a Mizuno product!

Anyone else out there training for a spring marathon?

How do you get your workouts in with the winter weather?  Do you venture out or hit up the TM?

Happy Running!

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